The Truth About Farming
Sometimes it’s tough to know who is responsible for specific
actions. A lot of debate has surrounded the actions of Nazi soldiers during the
Second World War. Many of the soldiers at the time say they were just following
orders. However, others argue that everyone still has free choice to determine
their own actions.
Regardless of who is responsible, the fact remains that over
13 million people were killed during WWII. Whether it is the responsibility of
a nation of “yes men” or a single leader remains to be seen.
Many animal activists liken modern-day farms to WWII death
camps. Every day countless animals are being slaughtered by people they view as
“yes men”.
On March 31, 2017, the organization Mercy for Animals
released a video describing how animals suffer on factory farms. While their
goal of ending animal suffering is admirable, their video is flawed and
dishonest. They apply sweeping generalizations to indicate that circumstances
shown on specific farms are true of every farm. They also strategically illicit
harmful emotions from the viewer and wrongfully direct that anger at farmers.
By only showing partial facts, and by utilizing vast generalizations, the
creators of this video promote their cause while neglecting the truth and
hurting farmers and food providers by creating an unfair public outcry.
Throughout much of their video, the narrator uses strategic,
generalized words to apply the circumstances shown on the screen to all farms. He
says “dairy farms are very different from the commercials you see with happy
cows.” Did you notice how the choice of words may have caused you to think all
farms are as horrific as the one shown on screen? While I am sure that very few
farms truly are represented by idealistic commercials, I am equally sure that
very few farms are as bad as the one shown. My Dad not only grew up on a dairy but also went to agricultural college and then worked on various dairies for
over 20 years. He didn’t just work on one farm in one country; no, he worked on
several diaries on two different continents! And none of them were as shown.
Few farms had stanchions even while he was growing up and even less crowd their
cows this way today. Thanks to recent research about caring for animals, most
farmers are switching to loose-housing and prefer to keep their pens impeccably
clean to promote high-quality milk. Farmers know the importance of being
vigilant in animal welfare.
Farmers make their living from caring for animals and, most
times, have generations of experience behind them and stay up to date on recent
studies to help them take even better care of their animals. Often my dad would
take an hour or two every day to just watch the cows. He cared about their
health and wanted to see them interact with each other, see if any were hurt or
limping and see if any weren’t eating or drinking. It is my belief that, in
most cases, the farmer’s attention and experience make them better qualified
to care for animals than a regular person off the street. Yet this video
encourages the average person to believe that horrible atrocities are occurring
on every farm of the world, and average citizens are encouraged to be
angry at current farming practices.
The video says that egg farms are a horrible atrocity and
that “nothing compares to them.” I worked on an egg farm. And I can tell you
that is nothing like the gritty video shown. Again, a vast generalization is
applied when they say that birds are kept in cages where they can’t even spread
their wings. On our farm, the birds are housed loose in barns and allowed to move
about freely. Studies have been done about poultry practices and we control
lighting, feeding times, barn size and more to effectively care for the birds.
We do our best to reduce pecking by walking the barns multiple times a day and
ensure we remove any birds that have died. Farmers aren’t off in some remote
corner secretly raising birds and mistreating them as the video suggests. We
have an advisory board that monitors the production of hatching eggs. And we
have another board that monitors animal welfare. We have audits. We have
standards. The very idea that we are hiding something is repulsive, untrue, and
shows total ignorance.
Another area the video paints an untrue picture is with
their wording. Stylistically, they use over-enunciated, exact speech to give
them an impression of authority. Few would question them when they present their
“facts,” unless one knows better. He says that pigs are emotionally
traumatized by overcrowding. He says that chickens are “sensitive and sentient
creatures.” But what does that mean? Do you know what “sentient” means? Or did
your brain skip over that and just pick up on his tone? The narrator said that
in many cases the cows are milked by machine. This is true according to my
experience. However, he said it as if that was a bad thing. Oh no! The big, bad
machine is out to hurt cows and take our jobs! I’m not so sure. On one farm I
visited they had robots for everything! I was fascinated by their milking
robot. It was so gentle and had a laser to guide it to the cow’s udder. It even
had a sensor to tell it if the seal on the milking cups weren’t sealed properly
(which would hurt the cows and cause a warped udder over time) and the machine
would reset the cups automatically. The farm had robots to continually push up
the feed so that the cows had access to feed all day and could eat at their
leisure. The barn even had large openings in the wall to not only promote great
airflow but also to ensure the perfect temperature and humidity. There were
large shades over each of the openings in the wall that were programmed to
automatically raise and lower according to the weather. Such ingenuity shows
great care for every detail of daily farm life.
Sadly, again, the video creators failed to show as much care
in their production of these clips. The narrator mentions that “in some cases,
the dead are even left out in large piles.” And then promptly moves on. He
neglects to explain the concern over this method: he didn’t quantify the
statement and left viewers with a half-truth. The main concerns of leaving dead
animals out are predators and disease spreading. However, collecting them in
one place is much better than allowing them to decompose in the manure piles
where their remains would be spread over the fields. So he leads viewers to believe
“this is horrible,” but forgets to mention that it is much better than many of
the alternatives.
The poultry board in our province published a book that
discussed the various methods for disposing of dead animals that had been
approved by the government. Yet in many cases, they also stated that while the
province may be okay with a specific method, due to various concerns all
responsible farms follow even higher standards. The farmers and agricultural
boards are setting the pace and standard.
Because I know how careful and attentive farmers are, it
angers me that the video creators couldn’t show as much care in their
production to accurately portray farms. I’ve mentioned this before, but
they use such open-ended generalities when pulling information from probably
only one or two farms and imply that it is true of all farms in all countries.
They specifically mention the US but forget that their video will reach farms
and families in other countries through the power of social media. It bothers
me that the creators took the time to film and put this together, but didn’t
take the time to present the full facts. The entire video is focused around the
idea that this breaking footage is a revelation because the drones were finally
able to capture what farmers were hiding. We aren’t hiding anything. In fact,
many farmers I know offer tours. The farm I worked on was prepared to offer my
high school science class a tour. Through work, I’ve also met different people
who have hosted tours of their farms also. Some even hosted the former Primer
of Alberta, Alison Redford. We have governing boards, inspections and audits.
We aren’t hiding anything.
In so many of the comments on this, and other videos, I saw
concerned citizens calling farmers “heartless, wretched people,” leading others
to believe that farmers are uneducated, penniless people who are desperate for
a job and only farm because they are forced to. This isn’t true. I worked on an
egg farm because it was my choice. And I enjoyed it. They say that chickens are
bred to grow too fast for their bodies. This is mostly true. We had a diagram
in our office that shows the progression of chickens. Chickens today are more
than twice as large as chickens 80 years ago. They have been bred and modified
to have a huge appetite and grow extremely fast. But fast-growing birds are a
huge problem for us on the egg farm. Fat birds either don’t lay eggs, or lay
eggs that are culled, or weak shelled and tend to make a mess for us
egg-pickers. The video leaves viewers to be outraged at farmers.
After the Second World War, people were outraged at the
genocide that had happened. It was easy to pin all the blame on one leader:
Adolf Hitler. Soldiers could evade responsibility for their actions by saying
they were just following orders. But the fact remains that they are still
responsible. Mercy for Animals' video is designed to leave people outraged at
farmers, the way one might be outraged at all the horrible things Hitler did.
Why doesn’t the video point viewers to the labs? Or better yet, why doesn’t it
show viewers the truth? Why have chickens been bred to grow so fast? Because
our world demands it. We have created chickens with a huge appetite to meet our
societies' even larger appetite. So why doesn’t the video point viewers
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