Conclusions on Climate Change
Want to start a fight? Try talking
about climate change.
There are two sides to climate change: the environmentalists and the
traditionalists. Each party is convinced their ideas are right. But each party
has put on blinders to block out other views. It’s time we took those blinders
off, put the agendas aside and started a healthy discussion to find the truth
on this issue.
Environmentalists are dedicated to preserving the earth. But their zeal
to protect the earth often causes them to forget how complex the earth is. At
one time, we used to “protect forests” by putting out forest fires. Recently
people have realized that preventing small forest fires causes larger, more
destructive fires later. We’ve also learned that forest fires can be helpful to
bring more diversity to an area. With something complex as the earth and our
ecosystems, our actions often have unforeseen consequences.
I’m sure that in many ways, preventing excess carbon is a good thing.
But are there side effects to carbon that we don’t know about? Do we need the
gasses and extra humidity to create rain?
The earth is complex, so it makes sense that there would be a multitude
of reasons behind the issues. But environmentalists have a simple answer for
every issue on the earth: greenhouse gasses. I am honest enough to admit that
my knowledge of the earth is very limited and I am not a scientist. But I’m
also intelligent enough to know that one reason for a vast array of issues is
Imagine if a neighbour told you that the reason you were asthmatic, had
poor eyesight and blonde hair was because you didn’t eat enough carrots. Eating
carrots may be healthy, and the vitamins may help your eyesight, but eating
carrots won’t change your hair colour or help your lungs. Likewise, the
greenhouse effect may be partially responsible for melting glaciers and rising
sea levels. But is it really responsible for droughts and hurricanes
Before you accuse me of wearing blinders myself, allow me to share my
experience. Environmentalists warn that the glaciers are melting. I wonder how
many have actually seen a glacier? I am privileged to live in a remote location
very close to glaciers. I literally can walk out my door and jog to the base of
a giant glacier. I get to see things change daily and seasonally. And yes, the
glaciers are melting.
Even more concerning is what is happening to our forests. We used to
have forests full of lovely evergreens: Douglas Fir, Engelmann Spruce and
Lodgepole Pine. But now, entire slopes have turned a sad burnt orange color.
The trees are dead. There has been a massive migration of mountain pine
beetles. Previously, there wasn’t a problem with this invasive species as the
harsh winters killed them. In the past few years, the winters have not been as
harsh and long. One could easily attribute this to climate change and global
It could also be explained by simple weather cycles. I can say that the
last few years have been warmer than normal, but I can’t speak for much else.
Yet when stating weather facts, we hear that since the industrial revolution,
the temperature has been rising. But this is right around the time when we
started tracking the weather. Isn’t it more likely that our perception of past
weather is off and we are just now getting an idea of the weather patterns and
long-term cycles?
Environmentalists seem to be solely focused on saving the earth, and
view facts however they want to fit their picture. Traditionalists are so
sceptical of facts that they ignore everything in order to maintain their world
Traditionalists will discount climate change based solely on their
individual experiences. Again, how many have actually ventured out to see the
world? Often they will state how global warming is a giant hoax to control us
and make us spend more on “eco-friendly” products. While it’s true that many
healthy options cost more, no one is being forced to buy them. It is merely an
option; you get to vote with your dollars. Could it be a hoax? I doubt it.
There are countless scientists who have researched the issue. The earth is changing,
but maybe agendas are clouding the real facts.
Traditionalists don’t believe in climate change, so they will often
discount every environmental initiative for that reason alone. When restaurant
chains switch to paper straws, it is a big deal. Because it has an
environmental impact, they find a way to turn it into a negative, it doesn’t
matter that paper straws work just as well as other straws.
We need to weigh each change based on its own merits. It’s not fair to
discredit something good because you disagree with climate change and a product
promises to be eco-friendly. I am happy to use a reusable laundry ball because
it is convenient, cost effective and fits my nomadic lifestyle well. Oh, and it
eliminates laundry detergent entering the water system. Even if climate change
isn’t a thing, it is good to reduce our consumption, waste and pollution.
Climate change issues are no longer weighed honestly on their merits
alone. It has become a political and commercial issue. When each side is blinded
by their own agendas and preconceived ideas, we won’t find truth.
Climate change should remain a scientific topic so we can continue to
follow the scientific method to find truth.
Both sides have misconceptions and are purposely oblivious to any evidence
that contradicts their point of view. Environmentalists are focused on change,
but only in one direction. They tell us to limit plastic, walk everywhere and
stop farming. This, they say, will stop climate change. But only if everyone
follows along.
Traditionalists are skeptical. They point out how impractical it is to
carpool. They wonder aloud how horrible it is that we have cows to feed us.
They want to continue life as normal.
We need the differing views. We need the environmentalists to push us to
change. We need the traditionalist to question exactly why we should change and
how we can effectively do that.
Why are efforts focused on stopping glaciers from melting and the
temperature from rising? Why not research how to live in a warmer world and how
to survive in a dryer climate once the glaciers are gone? The earth has cycles.
I highly doubt we are big enough to change or reverse them. But we can adapt to
survive them.
While oral histories are not able to produce accurate numbers, they can
give us patterns and trends. We can see that the earth goes in cycles.
Throughout history, there have been periods of warming, followed by cooling
periods. People didn’t survive these changes by fighting with each other and
trying to stop the changes. They survived by working together and adapting to
the changes of their environment.
Maybe it’s time for a shift in our perspective.
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